Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

Industrial Automation Specialists has locations in Hampton VA, Chester VA, Houston TX, and Humble TX. However, we work with companies and organizations the United States, and have projects operating around the world. We can be reached by phone at 1-800-916-4272.

Facility Locations:

Main Headquarters: 17 Research Drive Hampton, Virginia 23666
Richmond/Chester Satellite Office: 1701 West Hundred Road, Ste. B, Chester, VA 23836

Headquarters: 11811 Woodcourt Street, Houston, Texas, 77076

What are your specialities?

Because of the nature of our experience and expertise it's sometimes hard to pin down our specialties. We are often providing the behind-the-scenes design, development and support for companies that produce a product or manufacturing process. As a result, we are able to provide solutions for a wide variety of industries and applications, from automotive industry suppliers to Department of Defense contractors and Nuclear power plant stations. We do however have particular expertise in the areas of automation, custom machines, custom controls and adhesive solutions.

The best way to find out if we're a good fit for your process or challenge is to contact us.

How long have you been in business?

Industrial Automation Specialists was founded in 1992, and have grown from a small rented office space into a 15,000 square foot facility in the NASA/Langley Research and Development Park in Hampton, VA and a fully equipped machine shop in Houston, TX. Over the past almost 20 years we have steadily developed mechanical and electronic products and solutions “not available on a shelf.”

Can you help me with...?

If you have a challenge with a process, system or large machinery, chances are we can help. If you don't see the specific answer on this page, please contact us and we can discuss your needs and decide if it makes sense to talk in more detail. We are authorized integrators for several suppliers and systems, including:

  • Fagor Automation & Measuring systems
  • Baldor Motors & Equipment
  • Cognix Vision systems
  • Hexagon
  • Integrated Quality Metrology Systems

What if I have more questions?

We love questions! Please don't hesitate to contact us by phone or using our online form (email) on our contact page.